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Political Philosophy

9 posts
Vermin Supreme pinches a guest
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Vermin Supreme – The Nation’s Funniest Presidential Candidate

Not just a perennial wacky satirical Presidential Candidate, Vermin Supreme is a true showman, a professional; and as I have had the pleasure to find out, he is serious about his mission.
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The Libertarian Party SoCal Conference Opens Tickets to Activists First

The Libertarian Party in Southern California Holds its Seventh Annual Conference The Libertarian Party Southern California Regional Conference…
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How I Found Justice and What I Used the Blindfold for when I Got Her

Perhaps moving voluntary law forward in the real world could be promoted as a solution for larger more generalized rules in larger looser organizations like a coalition groups or other non-profit oriented organizations that have more distributed, organic, non-hierarchical structures.
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The Mean Streets and Private Police

A community fires its police force for private security. Is this a manifestation of freedom? Article on The…